
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog Revamp

After reading the responses to my last post, I decided that the blog was in need of a slight makeover, and so I gave it a redesign.

First thing - I've changed the theme almost entirely. Hopefully the new color scheme will make things a little easier to read. I also applied some more CSS effects. Finally, I've also changed the banner (although I'm probably going to update it later since the text is a bit hard to read).

More notably, I've added download pages! The C1 Grendel Breeds that were originally found at the CCSF 2007 site and the topic at Creatures Caves can be found under the appropriate page. The C2 Downloads page just links to the section at CU7 where my C2 breeds are hosted - if I ever start developing for C2 again I'll update it.

Now, you're probably wondering where the C3/DS Downloads are. Well, I've made a lot of stuff for C3/DS. A lot. The sheer amount of all of it would just make it difficult to host it all here. I'm still deciding what to do about it, but it'll be up in due time.

Comments would be appreciated - I'm still seeking suggestions for improvement, after all.