
Friday, August 21, 2015

CCSF 2015 Event Planning

And yet more CCSF news because I have some ready.

I didn't have any ideas for the CCSF 2015 Community Wolfling Run despite it being the number 1 favored event on the final planning survey. So I decided to ask the community's thoughts on the matter through another survey!

This survey will be open until October 1st, so take it while you can!

Next order of business is the CCSF CC Chat Flashmob...and what do you know, I made a survey for that too. It's handy and not reliant on any one website.

The final order of business is the CCSF 2015 Adoption Sampler. 

There's not a whole lot to say about this, really. Just send your lovable, interesting, or downright weird creatures to ccsf(dot)2015(at)yahoo(dot)com and see them featured in a daily showcase! Creatures from all games are accepted; so long as it's functional and non-offensive it will do. 

That's it for now; let's make this CCSF a good one.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

CCSF 2015 Finalized

The CCSF 2015 planning process is now over. Thanks to all who contributed!

The final festival will look something like this:
  • CCSF 2015 starts Sunday, November 1st.
  • It will last for One Week unless enough submissions are sent in to justify making it longer.
  • It will be hosted on its own website
  • The themes are Community Endurance/Longevity, Ecology, and Seasons.
  • The coordinator-hosted events are:
    • Community Wolfling Run
    • Creature Adoption Sampler
    • CC Chat Flashmob
Further information about those events will be here in due time. For now, I hope this gives people some idea about what to expect. 

As for me, my workload just increased by a lot. Wish me luck.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Finalizing the CCSF 2015

I haven't been using this blog for much other than announcing CCSF news lately; didn't even bother to announce my birthday this year. I've just been completely uninterested in playing Creatures lately, and certain events around the community have been hurting my interest even more.

But ignore all that. There's a CCSF that needs planning, and the latest poll just closed. Let's get on with that, shall we?

And here's the next survey. This one will finalize the theme and events of the CCSF 2015.

I've decided not to put the date, length, and location in this survey and just decide on those myself based on personal judgment and the results to Survey #2. 

Sunday, November 1st will be the start date of the Festival. I've decided on this mostly because of tradition and because it'd give people the maximum amount of time to prepare. 

The festival will last for one week, unless enough submissions are sent in to justify a longer festival. Pretty self explanatory here. Given how sparse the last two CCSFs were in terms of submissions, I felt a shorter festival would be best in this case. 

CCSF 2015 will have its own website. My reasoning for this is because Creatures Caves has been attracting quite a bit of negative publicity lately and the atmosphere just wouldn't be able to support a CCSF. Coupled with my previous misgivings about Creatures Caves, I've decided an independent CCSF website would make the greatest amount of people feel comfortable about the CCSF 2015 and therefore actually contribute to it. 

Because of that last one, I'm looking for graphics designers and website coders to help me prepare the CCSF 2015 website. My own HTML skills have kind of degraded since I stopped adjusting this blog's design, and while I can make graphics the CCSF deserves better than what I can make. If interested, contact me at ccsf(dot)2015(at)yahoo(dot)com.

For everyone else, submissions are still open! Send those to ccsf(dot)2015(at)yahoo(dot)com as well. Feel free to use the following form to do so, though you don't need to adhere to it as long as your submission is adequately described. 

Name of submission:
Game (C1, C2, C3, DS):
Type (Agent/Cob, breed, drawing, fan-fiction, etc.):
Any special requirements?: