
Thursday, December 31, 2015

An Update for the New Year

To wrap up 2015 for the Realm, here's the yearly Chione update. Sadly it's yet again something pretty minor, and I won't blame you if you're getting annoyed at all these minor updates. However, you'll probably be happy to hear that this is the last infrastructure update. The next update, whenever it may be, will likely be much more substantial.

But for now, here's Chione V1.2 (it's occured to me that this should probably be version 0.X because the metaroom's technically unfinished, but meh). The biggest change this time around is the addition of doors to replace some of the Pillars of Teleportation. In accordance with my recent findings on CA links, this should make it easier for creatures to navigate around the room. I've also rearranged the remaining Pillars so that they're solely used in the caverns.

What's in store for the Realm in 2016? I'll make an update about that sometime in the future, but for now I'm feeling pretty burned out on Creatures and want to focus on other things.

Until the next one, folks. I'll see you in 2016!