Friday, September 13, 2024

Where I've Been

Well...despite the optimism of my last post here, that round of discouragement was still enough to put me off playing the game for the majority of the year. I've just been doing non-Creatures related things of varying productivity within that time. But I'd actually like to submit something to the CCSF 2024, and that's coming up pretty quickly, so I'm going to need to get my butt in gear.

There is one Creatures-related thing I've been doing off and on since then, and that's running a grendel wolfling run. It's nothing spectacular; the grendels are plain CFE grendels and the world's just the base DS world with the Jungle Ruins added in. But it's been entertaining enough to watch and gives me a good idea of what the issues with the CFE grendel genome are, so it's been good for somewhat maintaining my motivation in that time. 

As of right now, I think my plan is basically to do what my initial plan was before I started messing around with the 2017 genome: take the CFE genome, fix the outstanding issues with it in a manner that remains compatible as possible with previously existing genomes, and just use that as my base going forwards. 

One genome I find particularly inspiring is CosmiSynthetic's Placid Ettins. The short of it is that they're the base C3 ettins, but with the biggest issues with the vanilla ettin genome tuned down while still maintaining the essence of ettins and more importantly done so in a manner that retains crossbreeding compatibility with the original ettin genome. I do have some issues with it (particularly that it's still based on the vanilla ettin genome as opposed to the CFE ettin genome), but it's still a genome I like a lot. So I'm planning on doing something similar for my grendel genomes.

As is usual with me, I have no clue if I'll actually get anywhere with this before the CCSF hits, but maybe if I write it down it'll help. Stay tuned.

On a less happy note, I recently turned comment moderation on. Most comments I get here are positive or at the very least constructive, but there's been some garbage recently and I decided I'd rather not subject anyone browsing the blog to it. I guess some people just have nothing better to do with their time.