Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A New Base Genome: RAS ChiChi Breakdown

After I made my last post, I decided to make what I intended to be a temporary version of the 2017 ChiChi genome so I could get to making actually interesting breeds. I took the first released version of RAS as my base, replaced the old disappointment-gained activase with a "Muscle Energy" used emitter....

...And then I realized that maybe that rather than trying to reinvent the wheel as far as this biochemical balancing goes, maybe I should work with what the 2017s already had. That line of thought lead to more tweaking, and at last I reached a point with the biochemistry I could call myself happy with. 

Then one thing lead to another from there, and next thing I knew what I had intended to be just a temporary base had turned into what I'd call the final version of the RAS ChiChi genome. Funny how things work out sometimes, huh?

Of course, then it took me a couple weeks to muster up the spoons to write this post. You win some, you lose some. 

As with RAS Test Version 1, I'll be breaking down all the changes I made. If you just want some norns to play around with, you can check them out on Creatures Caves here and here (the first pack is missing some of the changes described here, since I was still waffling on whether or not to include the changes in question). 

Without any further ado, let's get started.