Monday, November 25, 2024

C3/DS Agents Page Currently Unavailable

As the title says. For one dumb reason or the other the page got flagged for "spamming" and got unpublished. I'm really not sure what the heck happened or how it's any worse than the other download pages on this blog. I'm assuming something automated flagged it.

So until that's resolved, the page is unavailable. While I try to figure things out, you should still be able to find any agent I've made over on Eem Foo.

Edit 2/18/2025: The page should be back up now; you can get to it via the C3/DS Downloads page as before, or just click here. If it (or any other page on the blog, for that matter) gets nuked because of bull-argh- again, I might have to consider seeking alternative hosting.