C3/DS Genetic Breeds

C3/DS genetics is where I first started out in the field of Creatures development. I still consider myself a geneticist first and foremost even though I've since branched out into agent engineering and metaroom creation as well. When I first started out I was super prolific; to date I have over 100 genetic breeds to my name.

So onto the breeds. First off, if you're looking for my older work you can find it below.
All of the breeds on this page can be assumed to have the following base edits:
  • CFE Edits - These edits, which have become standard on many breeds besides my own, allow for smarter decisions and therefore better survival rates than normal C3/DS breeds. 
    • My breeds are no-mutate; that is, they cannot mutate to become immortal or have mutation change their pose genes.
  • CFF Edits - My breeds do not have all of the CFF edits; just the ones I felt would help their survival rates.
    • Fullness Lobe - This edit helps keeps my breeds from eating themselves out of house and home. 
    • Hunger Overwhelmsion - This edit helps my breeds prioritize hunger over less vital drives and therefore helps them eat better than normal creatures when coupled with the CFE edits.
    • "Librarian" Edits - These edits help ensure my breeds actually tend to their needs rather than complain about them, and also helps to prevent "Eem like eem" loops
    • My breeds also have a reaction gene that lets them oxidize lactate, which would otherwise hang around in their system forever and kill their muscles. It's not a feature directly from the CFF, although the CFF do have a similar gene as part of their lactate cycle.
  • Gizmo Norn Balanced Biochemistry - This set of edits ensures my breeds need to eat before they can make it to breeding age (a breed with these edits can survive for ~ten minutes without food after birth; compare this to an unaltered norn's ~thirty minutes, and an unaltered grendel's/ettin's ~hour and a half).
  • Gait genes and facial expression genes cannot mutate.
  • Anger and homesickness are added to the list of genes handled by the drive maintenance and overwhelmsion organs; this lets my breeds prioritize more vital drives over these drives which are otherwise fairly dominating.
  • A few of the earlier breeds on this page have silenced boredom instincts; this was intended to work with the CFE brain edits to make my breeds more flexible with their preference. However, recent research has indicated that this isn't the best idea, and as such my most recent breeds have active boredom instincts.


My most recent Grendel breeds are all based on an altered ChiChi Norn genome. Besides all the edits listed above, they also have a number of edits to give them more Grendel-ish behaviors. They're also generally peaceful, unless otherwise stated.

On the off-chance I decide to base a future breed on the original Grendel genome as opposed to my base genome, it'll have the following features in addition to the edits listed above (obviously, this can also be applied to breeds based on my base genome):
  • Females do not age when they get pregnant, and the reproductive system as a whole is closer to a norn's than the default grendel's. 
  • They are sensitive to all of the antigens, meaning they can fend off infections better than the default grendels.

Artemia Grendels
These are the completed version of the grendel pack I released during CCSF 2014. They're pretty similar to those in most regards; they swim with my Swimming Agent, have the Swim Bladder edits, are fairly social, and are partially carnivorous. However, they're amphibious rather than gilled, will sometimes eat bugs in addition to critters, and are resistant to geddonase from the jellyfish and bites from the sharks. They also use Maraquan Grendel sprites in place of the Banshee sprites since the latter are a little hard to come by these days. 

Darwin Grendels
The Darwin Grendels were created a little differently from my other breeds. To get their base genome, I ran a 100-generation wolfling run, the Grendel Garden, and used a combination of normal genetic editing and natural breeding. I decided to call them "Darwin" after the famed Charles Darwin, the most notable founder of the theory of natural selection.
Darwin Grendels are very robust. They have a very powerful immune system, which coupled with the ability to eat almost anything and the ability to play with the nastier parts of nature with no ill effects, makes them very good at adapting to a wide array of environments. They breed very quickly, making it simple to get a good population going.
Like the Moonshadow Grendels V2, the Darwin Grendels have a Banshee variant and a C3 grendel variant. Depending on which sprites you have, you can use both, or one or the other.

Garden Grendels
"Garden Grendel" was the working name of the Darwin Grendels. As such, I decided to give that name to this breed, the predecessor to the Darwin Grendels. The six genomes used in the egg agent were taken from six grendels that were part of the population at the end of the wolfling run and left completely unchanged (those six grendels are actually part of this pack).
For the most part, the Garden Grendels have a similar list of features to the Darwin Grendels. However, they lack some of the features that the Darwin Grendels have, by virtue of being (mostly) naturally bred and left unchanged. A few of the genes that were part of the unchanged firstgens at the start of the wolfling run are actually still within these grendels. 

Lavender Grendels
The Lavender Grendels were inspired by the username of the member Lavendel at Creatures Caves. I don't know if she likes grendels or not, but I figured she'd get a kick out of these all the same. 
These are a friendly breed; they're hurt when they slap other creatures, hardly get angry themselves, and tend to spook easier in general than normal grendels. They also are nature lovers; they like flowers in particular. Keep some flowers around and they'll feel right at home. 
Speaking of flowers, they come with the Garden Flowers. This flower is strong-smelling and can be played with. While it's incapable of producing fertile seeds, the infertile seeds it produces make a nutritious meal for whatever hungry creature stumbles across them.
They were initially released for the CCSF 2015.


Spam Norns
This breed is essentially an updated version of ToxicNorn's (ToxicNorns's?) breed of the same name. They're fast agers and breed extremely fast once they become fertile. Females also lay their eggs extremely quickly and recover almost instantly from pregnancy. They're very social and tend to stick together in large groups. They also change color every lifestage (the pictured norns display the adult coloration).
Unlike the original spam norns they're not invincible, or even immortal. While they can last a little longer without food compared to my other breeds they still need to eat, can still die from being slapped to death, and so on.
They were my breed release for the CCSF 2014.

New Aquanorns
Tomtschek's Aquanorns are one of the few mer-breeds available for C3/DS, and one of my favorites. As such, considering their old genome is...well, old, I decided to make this new genome with all the features listed above. They're pretty similar to the original genome in most regards; that is, they're amphibious, swim, and have an urge to go "down" whenever they're not in water. However, they're more social than the originals, have the Swim Bladder edits to make female egg laying go easier, and most notably they swim with my Swimming Agent instead of the Aquanorn original.